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How Many Satin Balls to Feed Dog?

How Many Satin Balls to Feed Dog

Satin balls indeed are blessings as this wonder food has helped countless malnourished dogs regain their health. Invented by Diana Carreon, satin balls are well known for their weight-boosting capabilities. Rescued dogs who were mistreated by their owners, overly-active dogs, and malnourished dogs can equally benefit from these. A very common question dog owners have in their minds is how many balls they should give their dogs to help them gain weight quickly.

It’s very easy to lose hope from satin balls if they don’t work. Every dog has a unique metabolism, and therefore every individual requires a different number of satin balls. We have created this article in order to help out dog owners with their questions about Satin balls.

How many satin balls should you feed your dog?

Many factors contribute to deciding how many satin balls you should feed your dog per day. These factors include your dog’s breed, age, weight, and how much weight you want him/her to gain.

If you are just starting to feed your dog satin balls, we suggest giving him/her one or two satin balls per day. Such a serving will be a good start for a small to medium-sized dog. Again, we only recommend you take the slow path only if your dog has that kind of time. If your dog needs to put on weight quickly, then you will have to increase the serving size accordingly.

Satin balls work remarkably well, and therefore you must keep a keen eye on your dog’s weight. It would be best if you stopped feeding your dog satin balls the moment they achieve the required weight. Otherwise, they may start getting obese.

Satin balls are mainly raw meat, and therefore you should wash your hand properly after making a batch.

They are used in almost all dog shelters to help nurse malnourished dogs back to health.

Satin balls dog food recipe

Below is the recipe for statin balls for dog food:

  • 16 ounces Cereal
  • 42 ounces instant oatmeal
  • 1 Jar of Wheat germ
  • 1.25 cup of vegetable oil
  • 1.25 cup of molasses
  • Ten raw eggs with crushed shells
  • Ten unflavored gelatin packets
  • Pinch of Salt

Take a large glass bowl and mix all the ingredients together, don’t worry; it’s safe to mix them using your bare hands. It is suggested to shape the food into balls, but you are free to experiment with shapes that you and your dog like.

Satin balls for dogs

The need to feed satin balls to your dog can occur due to a number of reasons. Satin balls can come really handy if you are trying to save a rescued, malnourished dog. Such dogs often have a sad history of being treated poorly by their former owners. Dogs that are too active can also need satin balls as they often have a very fast metabolism which can give them a petite look. The last type of dogs that may require satin balls to gain weight are the dogs that suffered a severe medical problem.

dog grooming supplies