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How to Help a Dog Gain Weight After Having Puppies

How to Help a Dog Gain Weight After Having Puppies

Gaining weight for a dog that just had puppies can be very difficult. Aside from losing the physical weight of the puppies that were in her belly, a mother dog must produce enough milk for all of her puppies once they are born. Since plenty of weight and energy goes towards making milk for her puppies, it is very hard for a nursing dog to put on additional weight. In this article, we are going to explain some of the key ways to help a dog gain weight after having puppies.

How to help a dog gain weight after having puppies:

Increase feeding schedule: You should add an additional time to fill up her food bowl. You should never fill up the bowl past its limit, because if a dog eats too much too quickly, and can cause damage to their digestive system. Make sure you are also filling up her water bowl more frequently. 

Give additional treats: You should give your dog treats that are high in calories and protein. Our favorite treats for gaining weight are beef and chicken based.

Try wet dog food: While it is typically more expensive, studies have shown that dogs tend to prefer wet dog food over dry food. This is because wet dog food has a strong scent and is thus more appealing. 

Limit daily exercise: If your dog frequently goes on runs or other forms of high tempo, fat-burning exercise, it may help to limit these activities. However, it is still extremely important that your dog gets at least some form of daily exercise.

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