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Why is My Dog Licking and Humping Me?

Why is My Dog Licking and Humping Me

If you have a dog and notice it licking and humping you, this article is for you! There are indeed a lot of reasons why your dog may lick and hump you or others, and we will be discussing these reasons in this article.

Licking and humping may appear inherently sexual, but this isn’t always the case.

Why do dogs lick?

When it comes to licking, dogs frequently lick their owners to express affection. They may also lick you if they detect the scent of food on your face or hands. Lower dog pack members will frequently lick the dominant members as a sign of respect, so this is an entirely normal behavior in nature.

While licking is often associated with affection and something delicious on your skin, constant licking in dogs may also be a sign of anxiety, boredom, or OCD behavior. You should also watch your dog if it is licking itself regularly, as this could be a sign of a medical problem or injury.

Dogs that frequently lick themselves might start to develop skin scores and itchiness. If this occurs, take your dog to a veterinarian right away to be checked for any medical issues.

Why do dogs hump you?

Humping, on the other hand, is frequently used by dogs to assert their dominance. If not properly trained, unneutered dogs may hump other dogs, humans, pillows, soft toys, and so on. Humping is entirely normal for dogs and is generally harmless, but it can become an issue if they continue to do it for attention.

It can also be embarrassing if your dog begins humping guests in your home, as well as pillows and stuffed animals in front of other people. Additionally, it can leave dog smegma on you or other objects.

Why is my dog licking and humping me?

The main reasons your dog is licking and humping you is because of excitement. It might also be caused by lack of stimulation, hormones, or medical issues.


Excitement can cause dogs to hump whatever or whoever is in their vicinity. This is normal behavior, and it allows dogs to burn off excess energy in their bodies. Your dog may experience a surge of excitement, causing them to begin humping you to gain your attention.

If your dog is humping you due to excitement, it is best to stop the behavior and instead focus on your dog so that it can express its excitement more appropriately.

Lack of Physical / Mental Stimulation

Humping could be a way for your dog to release pent-up energy if it lives a relatively passive lifestyle. If humping becomes a consistent behavior in your dog, you should seek other ways to relieve excess energy, such as more exercise and mental stimulation. You should also try to spend more time with your dog.

If you aren’t home a lot, you should give your dog some toys to keep them entertained.

Medical Issues

Humping can be a symptom of various medical conditions in dogs, including urinary tract disease, priapism, skin allergies, and so on. If you notice your dog humping you regularly, it is best to have it checked first to rule out any medical issues.


Humping can, of course, can be caused by your dogs hormones. When a dog humps an object or people, it could be a form of masturbation. Females may also hump, especially during their periods.

How to get your dog to stop licking and humping you?

The behavior can be improved by having your dog neutered or spayed.

It is also important that you stop your dog when it starts to hump you. If you don’t, it will encourage your dog to repeat the behavior. It is important that you know how to properly discipline a dog.

Training your dog to stop when caught in the act is an effective way to prevent it from humping. To train your dog, say their name and tell them to “Stop” or “Get off.” Give your dog treats after stopping the action to make the training more effective.

Food motivates dogs, so rewarding them when they stop humping will help their brain understand that humping is bad behavior.

Aside from training, giving your dog plenty of physical and mental stimulation daily is the best way to keep it from licking and humping you. Take your dog out for a walk or provide it with food in the form of kongs, maze bowls, slow feeding bowls, etc. Having your dog do nothing every day can lead to destructive behavior such as licking and humping.


We hope this article clarifies why your dog is licking and humping you. Most of the time, the reasons are simply excitement and affection. It is normal behavior, but it should be stopped, so your dog understands it is inappropriate. Good luck!

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