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Why do Dogs Whine at Night?

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Are you a dog owner? Has your dog ever cried throughout the night, making it very difficult for you and other family members to sleep? If so, you are not alone. Many dog owners experience this and wonder, why do dogs whine at night? In order to stop your dog from whining at night, it is very important that you understand why do dogs whimper and whine.

Why do Dogs Whine at Night?

1) He whines for attention

This the most common reason why dogs whine at night, and particularly for puppies

2) He is confused or unfamiliar with something

This is very common for dogs that have just moved into a new house. This can also happen when you introduce another pet into the house.

3) He needs or wants something from you

Whether it is food, water, bath, walk, or needs to use the bathroom, your dog may be barking because he needs something and wants to let you know.

4) He is scared or stressed

Your dog could be whining because he wants to let you know that he is scared or stressed about something. This is usually accompanied with pacing around, whimpering, or constantly jumping around. This is common when your dog sees another animal through the window. This could also be a sign of separation anxiety.

5) He is in pain

This one of the most serious and urgent reasons why your dog could be whining at night. There are many things that could be causing your dog’s pain, whether it be a tooth ache, bite, rash, or even arthritis if your dog is old. If you have a dog that is older than two and he randomly starts barking continuously, he is likely in some sort of physical distress.

How to stop your dog from whining at night

The solution to stopping your dog from whining at night is all dependent on the reason that it is crying. If your dog is whining for attention at night, make sure you play with him enough during the day. You may want to look into buy him a toy. Sometimes, a dog whines at a squeaky toy but he will only do this when the toy is first introduced. If your dog is confused or unfamiliar with his surroundings, ensure that he has a nice warm and comfortable place to sleep at night. The whining should stop after a couple of nights. Make sure that your dog is getting enough to eat and drink during the day, as well as using the bathroom, so that he doesn’t whine for these things at night. If your dog is scared or stressed, make sure that you do not scold them. This will only make them more anxious or stressed. If you believe your dog may be in pain, you should consult a vet immediately.

Why do dogs whine when they have a bone?

Lastly, your dog could be whining when they have a bone. As you may expect, this is because they are overly excited. They may also be anxious to go outside to go bury the bone.

Why do dogs whine after surgery?

Your dog could whine after surgery for two reasons. The first, if he was put under, is because anesthesia has a side effect of making your dog confused and disoriented. This may continue for 1-2 days after surgery. Additionally, your dog may be whining because he is still in pain from the surgery (maybe if he received stitches or had a very serious operation). If the whining persists, contact your vet.

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