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How to Help Puppy Upset Tummy

How to help puppy upset tummy

A puppy naturally has a sensitive stomach, as their digestive system is still growing and developing. It is very common for puppies to get upset tummies, especially when they are testing out a new food. In today’s article, we are going to explain everything you need to know about puppies with an upset tummy.

Symptoms of a puppy with an upset tummy

The first sign in treating an upset stomach is noticing the symptoms. Below are the most common symptoms associated with an upset stomach in puppies:

  • Throwing up
  • Diarrhea
  • Foaming at the mouth/Oversalviation 
  • Not eating
  • Constant rumbling sound in their stomach
  • Very bad smelling gas

Now that you know how to recognize an upset tummy in puppies, you are probably wondering how to make them feel better. 

How to help puppy upset tummy

Below are the best ways to help a puppy with an upset tummy:


Water is the most important cure for a dog with an upset tummy. Keeping your dog hydrated will help speed up their digestive system. Additionally, a dog with an upset stomach that has diarrhea will naturally become very dehydrated. Therefore, it is very important that you give your dog plenty of water to avoid this.


If your puppy has an upset stomach, it is important that you avoid giving them food for an extended period of time. Giving a puppy with an upset tummy food will only make the problem worse because it overloads their digestive system. You should try to fast your dog for at least 12 hours, and let them rest and encourage them to take a nap. Fasting your dog helps give their digestive system time to heal and recover.

Soup or broth

If your puppy is having a hard time keeping stuff down, we recommend feeding them some form of soup or broth. We have heard great things about chicken broth for puppies with an upset stomach. The warm temperature will be soothing for your puppy’s digestive system. 

Soft, low fat food

After your puppy is able to hold down water and soup, you can move on to feeding them solid food. It usually takes around 24 hours for your puppy to be ready to eat solid food. We recommend giving your puppy food that is low in dietary fiber and fat. You should also avoid foods that are very oily. Some of our top recommendations for puppies with an upset tummy are boiled potatoes, rice, and chicken. 


Another very important key to helping a puppy with an upset tummy is to let them rest. While it might be tempting to let them go run outside and get fresh air, we advise against this. Their stomachs will be very sensitive, and any activity that involves running will move their stomach around and irritate it. We recommend making a very comfortable bed with warm blankets, and letting your puppy rest. You should try to limit noise, and we suggest moving all other pets to another room or keeping them outside while your puppy recovers.


Lastly, the best way to help a puppy with an upset stomach is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Therefore, you should always keep an eye on your dog and monitor what they are putting inside their mouth. You should always discourage your dog from eating grass or any other type of plants, as this can cause serious digestion problems. Additionally, you should make sure that your trash can is puppy proof. You should also keep an eye on their chewy toys. One of the main causes of upset tummies and choking in puppies is the ingestion of plastic toys. It is important to remember that puppies are young and still have a lot to learn. They may have a hard time distinguishing between what they can and cannot eat. 

Medication for puppies with an upset tummy

There is also the option of giving your puppy some medication to help their tummy feel better. These range from digestive medication, to medication that is focused on alleviating the symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting. You can find a list of the best medications for puppies with an upset stomach here

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