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How to Help a Child Get Over Fear of Dogs

How to Help a Child Get Over Fear of Dogs

It is very normal for a child to have a fear of dogs. One of the main reasons a child is scared of dogs is because the dog is bigger than him/her. All it takes is for a dog to knock over a kid or bite them one time, and your child will likely develop a deep fear of dogs. It is important to remember that dogs can also have a fear of humans, which could cause your dog to display nervous tendencies or in worst cases respond with aggressive behavior. Therefore, it is very important that you do everything you can to help develop a healthy and friendly relationship between your child and your dog.

How to help a child get over fear of dogs

Below are the best steps to take in order to help a child get over fear of dogs:

Start Socialization Early
It is very advantageous to form a relationship between a dog and a child when they are both young. Both children and dogs are more open to socializing and developing relationships with new people when they are younger. While there is usually nervousness on both sides, a child that creates a bond with a puppy early on will create a strong bond for a lifetime.

Be the facilitator
Both the dog and your child will feel more comfortable if you help facilitate the relationship. This means sitting down with both of them at the same time. If your child is ready to pet the dog, we recommend distracting the dog, so he probably won’t notice that your child is petting him/her. In this way, your child will realize that the dog is not aggressive or a threat.

Don’t be too forceful
If your child won’t go anywhere near your dog, don’t force it. Your dog will most likely be able to sense that your child is scared/anxious, and in turn it might make your dog uneasy. Take small steps. Start by just trying to get them together in the same room, and then work on shortening the distance.

Experiment with other dogs
If you still have no success helping your child get over the fear of your dog, we recommend experimenting with other dogs. You should take your child to one of your neighbor or friend’s dog. It is best if the dog is smaller. An older dog is sometimes an advantage because they are usually more mellow and less likely to display aggressive behavior against someone they don’t know.

Another way to facilitate a healthy relationship between your child and dog is to let your child fill up your dog’s food bowl. This is a great way to bring the child in the vicinity of the dog without forcing him/her to have direct contact with the dog.

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