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How To Get Dog Poop Off Running Shoes?

How To Get Dog Poop Off Running Shoes?

We all know how much it sucks to step in dog poop with your running shoes. While it is very frustrating, this blog post will walk you through the steps to get poop off of them easily. We have a few tricks up our sleeve that are guaranteed to work every time.

6 Tips To Clean Your Running Shoes

You can get dog poop of your running shoes by freezing them, using a garden hose, scrubbing, machine washing, or taking them to the cleaners.

Freeze Your Shoes

An effective way to get dog poop off your shoes is to put them in the freezer. Many people might think that this method isn’t hygienic due to its proximity to all the food that you have in your freezer. However, this method has proven very effective in cleaning dog poop from shoes, and it won’t contaminate your food.

  • To avoid contamination of your freezer, place the running shoe into a sealed plastic bag. It is important that the bag does not have any holes and is completely sealed. Not only do you want to avoid the poop from leaking, but you also don’t want the aroma going around your freezer.
  • Place the shoes in a freezer for around 2 hours.
  • Next take the bag out of the freezer and remove your shoes. Use an object like a stick or any other pointy object (make sure it’s not too sharp). The poop can easily come off because it is hard now.
  • If you don’t have access to a freezer, you can try to freeze the poop with an ice pack or cold compress. It might not be as effective as a freezer, but it can still make your job easier.

If you are worried about the poop smelling up your freezer, you can put it in 2 or 3 bags.

Use A Hose

When you step in poop, a garden hose might be the best option if you act fast. The only downside with this method is that your shoes might get wet, so you might not be able to use them for a day or to while they dry.

Use the following step to clean your shoe

  • First, rinse as much poop as you can by using a gentle water pressure. If the poop is fresh, this might do the trick. You should put the shoe on the ground and point the hose towards it; remember to put it on a gentle setting so the poop will not spray back at you.
  • A great way to get between the grooves without getting too close is by using a “jet” setting. Remember, this will bounce off your shoe, so make sure you are standing back enough before doing this. This should do the trick. However, if there is still some poop on your shoe, you can move on to the next method.

Scrub It Clean

Another procedure to clean your shoe is to scrub it clean. Here is how you can do it.

  • First of all, remove most of the poop with a paper towel. Try your best not to squish the poop further into the crease of your shoe. Use a dry towel to clean the clumps, and then use the wet towel with dish soap to get the remaining poop.
  • Next, take an old toothbrush or another small brush to clean the poop since it might not come out with just water and dish soap alone. Scrub away at all sides of each crease until they look clear again. You should do this outside or in a utility sink so it will be easier to clean the mess.
  • Repeat the process again and again until your shoe is completely clean.
  • Clean and disinfect the sink at the end.

Wash In Washing Machine

You can also use the washing machine to clean your shoes! It’s can be a lot more effective than scrubbing the shoe yourself.

  • First, remove most of the poop with the help of a towel or hose, as discussed above.
  • Put your running shoes in the washer and put it on a delicate cold cycle setting. Make sure it is not on a warm setting, as this might deform you shoe. I recommend that you don’t put any clothes in the washer with the shoes. Beware, it might be a little noisy, but your shoes should be able to handle it.
  • Once the cycle is done, remove your shoes. Do not put them into the dryer, as this can cause damage to them. Instead, stuff paper towels into each shoe to absorb the moisture. Make sure you put them in an area with plenty of ventilation. You can even put a fan next to them to help speed up the process.

Use resources close to you

If you are out on a run, you might not have all the materials required for the steps above. If that is the case, you should try one of the options below.

  • Rub your shoe on grass or sidewalks or use sticks; these things can help you get rid of the poop before you get home.
  • Step in a shallow puddle and try to scrub the poop off by dragging your shoes on the ground.

Take Help From Professional Cleaners

If all else fails, or you are afraid to damage your shoes, you can bring them to a professional cleaner. They know how to clean them without damaging your expensive shoes.


If you have a dog, or run in areas where there are a lot of dogs, chances are at some point you will step on dog poop. I hope one of these six methods help clean the dog poop from your running shoes. If one of these methods worked, please let me know down in the comments!

Related Article: How to remove dog poop from artificial grass

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