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How To Get Burrs Out Of Dog Hair?

How To Get Burrs Out Of Dog Hair

If you are a dog lover, then you’ll agree to the fact that owning a dog is the most beautiful feeling ever. However, it brings its own set of additional responsibilities too. Quite often, dog owners have to worry on how to get burrs out of dog hair without hurting their precious fur baby. If this seems familiar to you, then continue reading to find your answers.

Burrs get entangled in the a dog’s hair easily and are very difficult to remove. If your dog is the one with beautiful long hairs, I can feel your pain. Though it is essential to get burrs out of dog hair, none of us wants to see our beloved pet in pain and discomfort.

So, let me tell you a few easy tips to do this.

Slip Them Off Comfortably

Yes, you are thinking right. Just massage some coconut oil and wash the burrs off with a good dog shampoo. You’ll find your dog smiling after the bath. Thank me later.

Detangle The Right Spots For Visible Burrs

Now, you can’t get every burr out of your dog’s hairs so effortlessly. So, you need to know the spots to look into after your dog has just finished the trip. Examine his/her ear flaps, nose, eyes, armpits, under the tails and between each toe and toe pads. On spotting, you can softly try to detangle the hairs and get the burrs out of your dog’s hair with your fingers. You can also use a rigid-toothed comb. You can additionally wear gloves to avoid pricking your fingers.

Crush The Tough Ones Carefully

You must be familiar with those spines that are impossible to pull out with fingers. It will not only hurt you but will also hurt your dog. Well, in such cases you can use a pair of pliers to crush the burrs head and break it into small pieces. You can then get burrs out of dog hair.

Here, you must be very careful with your finger as well as your dog’s skin so as not to end up pinching either of them.

To learn more about prevention, check out my article on how to keep burrs off dogs.

A Surprise Instant Makeover

A few of the dogs who flaunt beautiful long hairs end up getting the burrs deeper. In such a case, none of the above tips is going to help them. Well, don’t get disheartened if your dog is in this category. I have a solution for that too. What about giving your buddy a new look by shedding the discomfort away followed by a quick wash? Yes, you read it right. Schedule a quick trim for your pet. Rest assured, he/she will not only like this but will also feel fresh afterwards.

Final Words

To get burrs out of dog hairs is a prime concern but, you and I will agree that it is a tedious activity. I will advise you to opt for protective gears for your exploring dog. Also, if they’re getting burrs for a particular place, make sure he/she doesn’t go there anymore.

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