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How To Clip Dog Nails When Dog Is Scared Of It?

How To Clip Dog Nails When Dog Is Scared Of It?

If you are a dog owner, then you must have faced the situation in which your dog truly acts like a drama queen. It is a common observation that dogs are scared of clippers and immediately lose their tolerance when they see that you are going to trim their nails.

However, the interesting part is that some dogs tolerate this grooming habit and immediately show a willingness to get their nails clipped when they are offered special treats and toys.

Holding the dog in your hand, offering some treats, and familiarizing your dog with the sound of the clippers can be some helpful techniques to get your dog accustomed to nail clipping.

However, the situation can be very complex and confusing at times, so read on to gain more in-depth knowledge so you will be able to deal with a dog that is scared of getting their nails clipped.

Tips To Clip Your Dog Nails When They Are Scared Of It

No matter how long the nails of your dog are, you have to make your dog’s comfort a priority. For this, you must have a lot of patience, as it can be a challenging task.

Focus on these tips and tricks to see how to get along with the process without even letting your dog know.

  • Show Clippers to your dog often so that your dog will overcome any kind of negative feelings associated with the clippers.
  • One of the biggest problems that can make your dog anxious is that they are not accustomed to paw handling. When you touch the nails and even paws, many dogs get scared. Therefore, it is important to make sure to touch the nails of your dog often so that your pup becomes accustomed to this action.
  • Sometimes, simply petting your dog beforehand or talking to them in a soothing voice can help calm your dog down before you trim their nails.
  • Sometimes, dogs are afraid of the sound of the clippers. You can easily solve this problem by ticking the clippers again and again in front of them until they get used to it.

Why do dogs need their nails trimmed?

Some people totally avoid clipping the nails of their dog when there dog is afraid of it. This is not a good solution. If you let the nails of your dog grow, they will soon cause irritation and several health issues. Thus, it is better to deal with the smaller issues than to fall into bigger trouble.

How Do You Cut An Uncooperative Dog’s Nails?

If your dog is not cooperating, you should try the tips listed above. If this doesn’t work, you might have to take your dog to a professional groomer. They have professional experience handling anxious dogs that don’t like to get their nails trimmed. You may also have to look into getting a dog trainer for your dog’s anxiety.

Final Verdict

Cutting the nails of your dog can sometimes seem link an impossible task, but you can handle it with patience, affection, and sympathetic behavior towards your dog.

dog grooming supplies