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Dog Flea and Tic Collar FAQ

dog flea collar

Can I leave my dog’s flea and tick collar on when I take him swimming?

No. It is recommended that flea collars be removed before swimming or bathing as it may decrease the integrity of the product. The Seresto® Flea & Tick Collar is an exception to this recommendation. Seresto can be worn while the pet is swimming or being bathed. However, if the dog swims or is bathed more than once per month, the control duration is significantly reduced.

How should a dog flea and tic collar be worn?

Follow the directions for the product you are using. The collar should fit snugly around the dog’s neck – to make skin contact and to ensure that your dog cannot remove it. Generally, this means you should be able to place two fingers under the collar. Adjust for proper fit and buckle in place. Cut off excess length and dispose. Do not allow dogs or children to play with cut-off pieces. Re-check the fit of the collar frequently, especially in growing puppies, to make sure the collar has not become too tight.

How do the collars work?

Active ingredients are continuously released from the collar and spread over the pet in the natural oils of the hair coat and skin. These active ingredients then adhere to the hair and skin and provide continuous protection.

When should I change my dog’s cat and flea collar?

Always change the collar according the the manufacturer’s directions, to ensure consistent protection.

Can I use a flea and tick collar safely if I have children or other pets in the house?

Yes. However, always keep collars out of reach of children and ensure they do not play with them. If a child is exposed to the collar worn by your pet, have them wash their hands. The collars are harmful if swallowed, so if you notice other pets in your home chewing the collar worn by another pet, remove the collar and discard, and use a topical instead. Do not apply a collar meant to be worn by dogs to a cat or other animal.

Do flea and tick collars make a great choice for thick or double-coated breeds?

The key to using flea and tick collars on dogs with thick or double coats is to make sure the collar is as close to the skin as possible. This means you may have to part the hair when positioning the collar on the neck.

Can flea and tick collars be used along with other flea and tick products?

We generally recommend using only one flea and tick control product on the pet at a time. However, in some situations, you may wish to use two products together to increase effectiveness. An example would be tick prevention in a heavily tick-infested area. In such cases, we might recommend using two products – such as a topical and a tick collar – if they are administered differently and have different mechanisms of action. We do NOT recommend using more than two flea and tick topical products together on a pet. Always consult your veterinarian before using two products on your pet.

What are the dangers of fleas and ticks in dogs?

Fleas can cause medical problems in pets including flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), tapeworms, hair loss due to scratching, and secondary skin irritations. In large numbers, fleas can cause anemia from blood loss, especially in puppies and kittens. Some pets have been known to die if the anemia is severe. Ticks can also transmit serious diseases, including Lyme Disease, Ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

How can I tell if my dog has fleas?

The simplest way to tell if your pet has fleas is by finding the adult fleas or the flea feces (often called “flea dirt”) on the animal. Brush your pet over a white sheet or paper towel and look for small dark specks. Flea feces contain digested blood and they will turn a reddish brown color when moistened with a small amount of water.

Can’t I just deal with a flea problem if it happens?

When it comes to fleas, prevention is the key. Ask anyone who has had a flea problem – they are now strong advocates of prevention. Controlling and eliminating an already existing flea problem takes a lot of time and effort. And it can become quite expensive if any of the steps are overlooked. We recommend topicals as an easy and low cost way to protect your pets from the discomfort and disease fleas can spread, and to protect your house from possible infestation.

How can I help reduce my pet’s exposure to ticks?

Keeping pets out of grasses and woods helps to reduce their exposure to fleas and ticks. Removing leaves and clearing brush and tall grass from around the house and kennel areas can also help reduce the number. But any animal outside can easily pick up fleas or ticks so we recommend the preventive approach.

Can I stop worrying about fleas and ticks once it gets cold out?

No. Remember that cold weather does not kill ticks. In fact, spring and fall are when the deer tick numbers are at their peak. As a general rule, we recommend using flea and tick products until after extreme winter conditions persist. In warmer climates, flea and tick protection should be provided year round.

Do only dirty homes have fleas?

No. Unfortunately, even an immaculately kept home is fair game for a flea infestation if you do not prevent fleas from invading in the first place.

Can more than one flea and tick product be used at the same time?

Maybe. In most cases, one product should do the job. However, there are some situations in which using two products together can be more effective. Always consult your veterinarian before using any flea & tick products together.

Can I use dog flea products on my cats?

No! Ingredients in many flea products labeled for dogs can be harmful or fatal to your cat. An example of this is the ingredient permethrin. Products containing permethrin, or any product labeled “for dogs only” should NEVER be used on cats. Cats are very sensitive and metabolize things differently. Using these products on cats or even allowing your cat close contact with a dog that has been recently treated can have disastrous consequences. Many other flea and tick product options are available for cats.

What is the best treatment for pets with Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD)?

Since your goal is to prevent bites from occurring in the first place, you should use a product that kills adult fleas and also eliminates as many stages of the flea’s life cycle as possible. This involves using both an adulticide and an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) or Insect Development Inhibitor (IDI). We recommend topical products such as Drs. Foster & Smith Fiprotrol™ Plus or Frontline® Plus Flea & Tick Control for Dogs. These easy-to-use spot-ons kill adult fleas and prevent eggs and larvae from developing.

If your pet is on a flea control program and still suffers occasional flare-ups, itching can be controlled with products like Itch Stop. In severe cases, your veterinarian may prescribe oral steroids or even hyposensitization injections.

How do I use my flea comb to check for fleas?

Start by combing around the hindquarters and head of the pet, common areas for fleas to hide. These same areas should be examined for “flea dirt.”

What is the difference between IGRs (Insect Growth Regulators) and IDIs (Insect Development Inhibitors)?

IGRs and IDIs are used in monthly flea prevention products to eliminate the immature form of the flea. The difference in the two is subtle:

IGRs – This group includes methoprene (Precor), fenoxycarb, and pyriproxyfen (Nylar). An IGR mimics the juvenile growth hormone of fleas. The juvenile growth hormone is what keeps the fleas from developing into more mature forms. Normally, as the level of juvenile growth hormone decreases, the larva, the worm-like offspring of an insect form, matures. Since the IGR keeps the level of the hormone from decreasing, the juvenile never develops into an adult; it fails to molt and then dies.

IDIs – Insect development inhibitors include lufenuron and diflubenzuron. IDIs inhibit the synthesis of a substance called chitin (the outside, protective “shell” of the insect). Chitin is necessary for the formation of the hard outside skin (cuticle) of the flea. No chitin, no adult flea. IGRs and IDIs do not kill adult fleas, so to be most effective they should be used along with a product that does kill the adults (an “adulticide”), such as pyrethrin. Drs. Foster & Smith Fiprotrol™ Plus and Frontline® Plus Flea & Tick Control for Dogs contain both of these components. Because IGRs and IDIs mimic insect hormones or alter a unique insect process (chitin production), they are extremely safe.

I went on vacation, and since I’ve been back, my house is suddenly infested with fleas! No animals were in my house while I was gone. What happened?

Most likely, there were quite a few flea eggs and larvae in your house before you left, but so few adults that you didn’t notice them. While you were gone, the adults laid more eggs and the eggs and larvae continued to develop. The complete flea life cycle, from egg to larva to pupa to adult, normally takes about 15 days. However, under inhospitable conditions (e.g.; cold temperatures, or lack of a host) the pupa stage can become dormant. This dormant period can extend the flea’s life cycle to over a year. When the pupa senses the vibrations, carbon dioxide, or warmth that tell it an animal host is near, it finishes developing into an adult and emerges from its cocoon. While you were gone, all of the immature fleas in your house developed to the pupa stage, and then stopped. When you came home, the dormant flea pupae quickly finished developing into adults and emerged. That is why you ‘suddenly’ have so many adult fleas in your house. Now you’ll need to be very diligent about treating both your pet(s) and your house to get the flea infestation under control. We recommend using a spot-on such as Fiprotrol™ Plus for your pets, and products like Bayer Advantage® Environmental Treatments for your house. 

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