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Can I Let My Dog Air Dry after a Bath?

Can I Let My Dog Air Dry after a Bath

It can be a challenge to dry your dog after you give them a bath. But drying your dog’s hair is essential, especially for dogs that have thick coats. When the fur near the skin remains damp for a prolonged time, it is uncomfortable for you dog and the coats can actually get dirty again faster. I am often asked, can I let my dog air dry after a bath? The answer depends on different factors. Here we’ll answer this question in detail.

Can I Let My Dog Air Dry After a Bath?

Yes, you can let your dog air dry after a bath. However, I only recommend this method if your dog has a very thin coat.

An issue with this old-fashion method is that your dog might soon after rub up against furniture or roll on carpet to completely dry the fur. This can cause dog smegma on your furniture.

Your dog might also roll in the grass or dirt and ruin all your efforts. More importantly, air drying isn’t recommended for long and thick coats.

When the coats aren’t dried completely, they can also lead to matting. Moreover, damp skin can cause your dog to develop a skin infection, which can lead to bald patches on your dog. Unless you have a dog with a very thin coat, you should use one of the drying techniques listed below.

Best Ways to Dry a Dog After a Bath

The best way to dry a dog after a bath is to use some towels or a hair dryers.


It’s perhaps the easiest way. I suggest you use a couple towels to do this. To start, wrap a large towel around your dog’s body. Moreover, use small towels to wipe their face and neck. A large towel will soak up water. Use this towel to massage your dog’s body. It will not only remove excess water but also makes your dog comfortable and helps warm them up.

Remember, you need multiple towels to dry your dog completely. Regarding towel selection for dogs, some dog owners prefer microfiber towels, while others use a regular bath towel. If you can afford it, then try specialty dog towels.

Absorber towels are better than bath towels since they are great at absorbing water. More importantly, its smooth surface will ensure that furs don’t get tangled. It’s easy to dry this towel so that it can be used again and again.

Hair Dryer

Another quick and easy way to dry a dog is to use a hair dryer. Many dog owners often ask, can they use hair dryers to dry a dog? Yes, you can as long as you use it on the lowest heat setting. Keep the nozzle at some distance from your dog’s fur. It is also important that you don’t concentrate the heat on one spot.

If you want to use this method to dry your dog, introduce the concept slowly. Some dog breeds will resist hairdryers, so don’t use them forcefully. If your dog whimpers at all, you should switch to the towel method.

Frequently Asked Questions about Drying a Dog after a Bath

If you still have any questions about drying your dog after a bath, here are some more FAQs.

How Long Does It Take to Dry a Dog?

It depends on the dog’s breed and coat, but most dogs take around 30 minutes to dry off completely. Some dogs with longer coats will take more time to dry. In contrast, shorter coats get dried quickly. Some dog breeds like bulldogs, boxers, and pugs have lots of loose skin and wrinkles, so they take more time to dry. Moreover, when you can’t dry the skin thoroughly, it can lead to fungal infections and skin diseases.

Should You Brush Your Dog Before and After Bath?

The best approach is to brush your dog’s hair before bathing. It should only take around 5-10 minutes to do this. It will help you remove mats and tangles before bathing. If you don’t remove tangles, they can get knotted up when they get wet. More importantly, brushing your dog before the bath will help you remove loose fur and dirt. Both these particles can clog your shower drain.

You can brush them when using a dryer so that skin gets dried completely. However, when you brush your dog without a dryer, it may irritate the skin because the coats are heavier when they’re wet. If it’s necessary to brush your dog’s hair, ensure that you do it when they’re completely dry.

Is it Bad to Leave Your Dog Wet?

When it is cold outside, leaving your dogs wet can make them sick. But if the weather is warm, you can leave your dog wet. Dogs will shake vigorously to remove water from their fur because they don’t like heavier coats. The only downside with this is that they might roll around and get dirty in an attempt to dry themselves.

What Do Groomers Use to Dry Dogs?

Most groomers use cage dryers to dry a dog because they’re convenient. In addition, most groomers have a busy schedule, so they prefer cage dryers because they dry dogs when they’re busy grooming other dogs.

How to Dry a Dog with Sensitive Skin?

Some dogs have sensitive skins, so you can’t use a hairdryer to dry the coat because it can result in infection. Therefore, the best way to dry a dog with sensitive skin is to use towels or let your dog air dry.

Final Words

Can I let my dog air dry after a bath? Yes, you can, but it’s not recommended for dogs with thick and long coats. But the good news is you can try other methods mentioned in this article. Whatever process you choose, ensure that your dog’s skin is dried completely; otherwise, it can result in skin infections or a dirty dog.

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