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Will a shock collar help with an aggressive dog?

Will a shock collar help with an aggressive dog?

While most dogs are friendly, loving pets, there are some dogs that frequently display aggressive behavior. This could be towards other pets, or toward humans. Perhaps your dog jumps and attacks pets/people, constantly barks, or has an issue with biting. Whatever the problem may be, it can be very frustrating to train an aggressive dog to chill out. While a lot of puppies show aggressive behavior in their youth, they usually grow up and mature and tone down their aggressive tendencies. However, sometimes dogs can take their aggressive behavior with them into adolescence and adulthood. At this point, it can be extremely hard to help an aggressive dog. Today we are going to review and explain how a shock collar can help with an aggressive dog?

Will a shock collar help with an aggressive dog?

If used correctly, a shock collar will certainly help with an aggressive dog. Shock collars are great for obedience training, and through negative reinforcement it can help teach your dog that its aggressive behaviors are not acceptable. It is important to understand how you should use the shock collar, as incorrect or overuse of the shock collar can actually make your dog more aggressive.

How to properly use a shock collar to  help with an aggressive dog?

Start with lower intensities and then make it more intense if your dog is not responding well. You should always shock yourself before putting the shock collar on your dog so that you don’t put it on a level that is overbearing. Essentially, you want to train your dog so that every time you press the shock button, it stops what it’s doing and looks back at you. If your dog is excessively barking or showing other aggressive behavior, press the shock button. If he doesn’t stop, you should probably increase the shock level.

It is important to mix the shock collar (negative reinforcement) with positive reinforcement. You can do this in the form of treats. If your dog is being aggressive, and once you shock him he stops, then you should reward him/her with a treat. This will teach your dog that aggressive behavior is bad, and that being submissive to you can be rewarding.

Other ways to help an aggressive dog

Aside from a shock collar, there are many other ways to help with an aggressive dog. Dog’s that are spayed or neutered tend to be less aggressive, so that is something you can do when you dog is still a puppy. Avoid yelling at your dog when he is aggressive, and never hit/kick your dog. You can also talk to your dog about getting medication that helps calm down an aggressive dog. They can range from stress relievers, anxiety medicine, and antidepressants. A lot of times, aggressive dogs become anxious when they are around a lot of other dogs, so you should avoid putting him/her in situations where there are a lot of dogs nearby. Always make sure your dog has enough food and water, as a hungry dog is more likely to be aggressive. 

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