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Why do Boxer Dogs Fart So Much

Why do Boxer Dogs Fart So Much

Contrary to the stereotypes, boxer dogs are some of the most caring and loving dog breeds out there. While they can sometimes act out in aggression, that is common in just about every dog breed. However, today we are going to discuss a Boxer Dog stereotype that, unfortunately for your nose, is pretty true. If you have a boxer dog, you may have noticed that it farts a lot, probably more that your previous dogs. We are going to cover this topic today, and explain exactly why boxer dogs have so much gas.

Why do Boxer Dogs Fart So Much?

The 3 main reasons that boxer dogs fart so much is because the rate of consumption, food content, and underlying health issue.

Rate of Consumption

The number one reasons that boxer dogs fart so much is because they consume food fast, really fast. Sometimes, your boxer will lick the food bowl clean only seconds after you fill it up. This is a common behavior among boxers, and although you should do your best to encourage slower eating, it does not pose a significant health risk. However, when your boxer eats really fast, it can also consume a lot of air that forms air sockets in your dog’s stomach. This can be released either as burps, or as your nostrils probably already know, as farts. Another reason your boxer will fart a lot is because the faster your dog eats, the less it breaks down the food with its teeth. Therefore, it takes the digestive system a longer time to break down the food once it is in the stomach. In order to break down the food, your dog produces more gas, which in turn is released as farts. While it can be hard to slow down how fast your dog eats, we recommend giving him/her a lot of water to help wash down the food and help it pass through the digestive system quicker.

Food Content

Another reason boxers fart a lot is because of the ingredients of the food they are consuming. Boxer’s lover very meaty foods that are high in protein, which in turn results in them farting a lot. Boxers also consume a lot of fiber which helps with digestion, but also makes them poop and fart more. If your boxer is farting a lot, it may also be because he/she is consuming products that have a milk base. Many boxers are lactose intolerant, so eating or drinking anything with milk will likely cause them to fart all day and night.

Underlying Health Issues

The last reason your boxer is farting is because of a possible health issue. A dog that is farting a lot might be suffering from one of the following: Pancreas disease, Small intestine inflammation, or Breathing problems that is causing them to eat their food faster than normal. If you notice that your boxer is suddenly farting a lot more than usual, we recommend switching up their diet and making sure they drink a lot of water. If the farting continues for over a week, you should consult a vet.

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