Any person who has ever owned a dog or puppy has gone through some process of potty training. Whether it is ensuring that your dog only does the business outside, or in the woods away from the grass or garden, potty training your dog can take weeks or months. We are frequently asked what impact dog feces has on soil. In this article we will answer that question, along with listing the steps to remove and decontaminate soil from dog feces.
Is dog feces bad for soil?
You may be asking yourself why is dog feces bad for soil, if horse manure is often used in mulch to enrich the soil. The reason that dog feces are bad for soil is because it contains dangerous pathogens. These pathogens can infect the soil and nearby plants and stunt their growth. Additionally, dog feces often times attracts flies and other insects that are harmful to soil and plants. The reason horse and cow manure is safe to use in mulch is because it goes through an extensive process of desterilization and thus don’t contain harmful pathogens.
How to Decontaminate Soil from Dog Feces
If your dog does leave feces in your yard or garden, we recommend following these steps to decontaminate the soil from the dog feces.
1) Remove the feces as soon as you find it. The quicker you find and remove the feces the better. We recommend using some sort of metal scooper or just a plastic bag.
2) Dispose the feces. It is best to dispose of the dog feces directly into an outdoor trash can.
3) Water down the location. With a bucket of water, wash the area where the feces was laying. You can also put a small amount of dish soap into the water to help cleanse the area.
4) Give the area special attention. The next time you plant seeds or fertilize the are, we recommend putting extra fertilizer/seed in the spot where the feces was. Once a plant or grass has been growing in the area for a couple months, you can be assured that the toxins from the dog feces have been removed.
5) Continue to potty train your puppy/dog. Obviously, this can all be avoided if you properly potty train your dog. Make sure you have patience and never yell or physicaly harm your dog in the process.