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How Much Royal Canin to Feed My Shih Tzu Puppy

how much royal canin to feed my shih tzu puppy

Royal Canin is one of the most respected and trusted dog food brands on the market. They are one of the few dog food companies that perform extensive research to formulate dog food that is specific for each breed. They also create dog food that helps treat specific diseases, such as diabetes or urinary tract infection. In today’s article, we are going to discuss Royal Canin’s shih tzu puppy specific dog food.

What is so special about Royal Canin’s shih tzu puppy dog food?

Although Shih Tzu’s are small dogs, they still require a variety of vitamins and proteins on a daily basis. Puppies in particular require a wide range of nutrients and minerals in order to develop properly. It is important to feed your shih tzu puppy quality food that helps protect their immune system, as well as developing their digestive system.

Since Shih Tzu’s have small mouths, it can be hard for them to eat regular size dry dog food. The royal canin puppy shih tzu food comes in small pellets that your puppy will easily be able to pick up and consume. The food contains a large concentration of Vitamin A, which helps your puppy develop a strong layer of skin. The food also contains a lot of fiber, which helps your shih tzu’s digestive system operate properly. There is also a lot of protein which helps your dog grow. The proteins also help your dog have healthy stool that doesn’t smell terrible. The food also contains antioxidants which helps strengthen your shih tzu’s immune system.

How much royal canin to feed my shih tzu puppy

Here is a chart that shows how much royal canin you should feed your shih tzu puppy:
First 2 months: 95 g
3 months: 110 g
4 months: 115 g
5 months: 115 g
6 months: 100 g
7 months: 90 g
8 months: 80 g
9 months: 80 g

You can increase or decrease the amount of food you give your shih tzu puppy by 10-15 grams, depending if you want a smaller or bigger Shih Tzu. After your Shih Tzu puppy is 10 months old, you should switch to Shih Tzu Adult Dry Dog Food

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