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Best Way to Carry Small Dog on Bike

best way to carry small dog on bike

There are many advantages of bringing your small dog with you on a bike ride. They provide great company, and you can guarantee that they will love the excitement of the wind and the speed. There are many different methods of carrying a small dog on a bike, with many being much safer than others. In today’s article, we will cover the best ways to carry small dogs on bikes while keeping you and your dog safe. 

How not to carry small dog on bike

Below are some ways in which you should never carry your small dog on a bike:

Leash to bike

We never recommend just tying a leash to your bike. This can be very dangerous for both you and your dog. For example, if your dog sees something like a squirrel, they might suddenly decide to go chase it. This can cause your bike to topple over and injure you in the process. Additionally, small dogs tend to not have a lot of stamina. They might get tired only after a couple minutes of running. If they suddenly slow down, the leash can start to choke them. There are some choke free options for attaching your leash to the bike. If you decide to do this, make sure you bring a lot of food and water with you, as your dog will likely have to exert a lot of energy to keep up with the bike.

Holding in hand

We also advise against just holding your dog in your arm or hand. While it might seem doable at first, you have to understand that holding a dog with one arm means you will have less control over your bike. This greatly increases the chances of you crashing, which puts both you and your dog in danger. Your dog might also have the urge to jump free. 

Best way to carry small dog on bikes

The best way to carry small dogs on bikes is to use a specialized dog carrier which can fit easily in the front or back of the bike. Our two favorite small dog bike carriers are:

  1. Dog Bike Basket Carrier

This is one of our favorite options because your dog can be zipped safely inside the carrier so that they can’t escape. The mesh material still allows your dog to enjoy the ride by feeling the breeze and seeing the surroundings. This carrier is perfect for riding at night because it comes with a built in reflector beam. This basket is also great because you can easily carry other animals such as cats. You can buy this dog basket carrier here.

2) Small dog bike carrier

This small dog bike carrier is another great option. It keeps your dog secure while also allowing them to have their head out in the open breeze. The internal straps make it impossible for your dog to escape the basket. You can purchase this dog bike basket here.

If you are unable to buy a dog carrier, you can try just putting your dog in the basket. However, you must be very careful when riding, as even a small bump can send your pup flying. Also make sure to NEVER leash your dog when it is sitting in the basket. If your dog is on a leash and falls out, it can hang your dog and cause them to break their neck or choke. If you are worried about your dog falling out, you can try rapping them in blankets or towels which will restrict their movement while in the basket. 

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