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Raw Diet for Dogs With Kidney Disease

Raw diet for dogs with kidney disease

Getting the news that your dog has kidney disease can be shocking and frightening. After all, most kidney diseases in dogs are chronic and cannot be cured. However, there is no need to panic. While it depends on the progression of the disease, most dogs can still live a long and healthy life after being diagnosed. One of the most important components of treating a dog with kidney disease is monitoring their diet. 

What to feed a dog with kidney disease?

When it comes to the diet of a dog with kidney disease, the most important element is avoiding certain nutrients and minerals. Below is a list of what you should not feed your dog with kidney disease:

Wheat: This can be very hard and painful for a dog to digest if they have kidney disease.

Phosphorus: It is very important that you avoid foods that are high in phosphorus. This is because a dog with kidney disease must not have a lot of phosphorus in their blood, as this can damage the dog’s kidney. 

Sodium: Dogs with kidney disease have a very hard time staying hydrated. A diet with a lot of sodium makes it even harder for the dog to stay hydrated. If your dog consumes too much sodium, it can raise their blood pressure and make it even harder for the kidney to function.

Protein: While dog’s still need protein in their diet, you should not feed them anything that has a protein content greater than 20%.

Soy: It is also very difficult for a dog with kidney disease to absorb food that is high in soy.

Now you are probably wondering what you should feed your dog. Read below for the best food to feed your dog with kidney disease.

Omega-3 fatty acids: This is a great supplement to feed your dog. It reduces the hypertension in the kidney, and also decreases inflammation. 

Food with high water content: It is very beneficial to feed your dog a diet that has a water content. This is because water helps your dog’s kidney remove waste from the blood. 

Raw food: Yep, raw food is a great option for dogs with kidney disease.

Raw diet for dogs with kidney disease

A raw diet for dogs with kidney disease is very beneficial because raw food typically has high quality protein. High quality protein can help your dog’s kidney filter out toxins that are in their body. If you want to give your dog a raw diet in the form of meat, I recommend chicken or turkey. This is because bost of these meats are a lot easier to digest.

It has also been proven that eggs are a great option for dogs with kidney disease. Studies have shown that eggs promote hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis.

Other Options

Below are some good choices of dog food you can feed your dog with kidney disease. All of them can be bought through Amazon.

Hill’s Kidney Care Formula

This is probably the best option in terms of food for a dog with kidney disease. It has very low phosphorous and sodium content. It also contains chondroitin sulfate and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which help your dog’s kidney function.

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